1: Rin2020-08-13 10:41:25Z
everybody gangsta until sora riding a dual wielding crab appears

2: Necroneer2020-08-13 11:04:52Z
Sora memeing with the thumbnail

3: The Asterisks2020-08-13 11:19:39Z
This game ironically looks fun as heck...

4: 总统Enrico2020-08-13 10:53:23Z
I love the thumbnail 👌

5: Anjeal C2020-08-13 12:24:08Z
Top tier content. Ppl need to see this. Yow

6: Nope Ville2020-08-13 10:40:01Z
salt bae thumbnail

7: Only You2020-08-13 13:14:07Z
Sora chan be like: hey i know meme too here's a pose!
I hope don't too far from idol way lol, this games kinda lit tho 😂

8: UltimateCyberNekoChaser2020-08-13 10:41:34Z
👍😂👍 💖🐻💖🐻💖🐻💖 REALLY FUN STREAM . i thought it was going to be a cooking stream .

9: アークライトトーマス2020-08-13 12:19:35Z
1:11 開始
11:10 39:50 48:03 57:15 鳴き声
操作複雑そうなのに勝てるの凄いなぁ、さすがザリガニがマスコットの一匹なだけのことはある (๑╹ᆺ╹)

10: Myat Thu2020-08-13 12:39:01Z
For some reason,I got an urge to go to aberration Ark and tame Some kakrinos while watching this.

11: Jeanne Lily2020-08-13 10:56:48Z
I enjoyed watching this stream thank you sora

12: Siaozaiz Lee2020-08-13 11:40:46Z
So this is sora's game...

13: Jasper Peng2020-08-13 14:17:23Z
"weapons to surpass metal gear..."

14: mefer swift2020-08-13 10:54:30Z
funniest so far. good selection

15: danRaz2020-08-13 12:27:05Z
Yo I love Sora-chan game plan overwhelming force ❤❤❤

16: Hanif Putra2020-08-13 10:41:10Z
nice thumbnail xd

17: Youme Channel2020-08-13 12:00:28Z
i always like whe she say "nee"

18: Cyrus G2020-08-13 10:59:44Z
Sora bae thumbnail xD

19: necchy1232020-08-13 13:01:32Z

20: Melchizedek Phuah Siow Jin2020-08-13 11:05:49Z
めっちゃ楽しかったです!そらちゃん、ありがとうございました! いつもライブ配信に間に合うことができて本当に嬉しいです! 🙏❤️✨

21: とすっぽ2020-08-13 11:46:05Z

22: 1LIMOT2020-08-13 12:00:07Z
Awesome stream. A lot of fun to watch.

23: bayriffer bigbosszero2020-08-13 15:41:05Z
Crab fight it at joke×2 at ha Go where
ls game funny 5555+

24: ペラエン2020-08-13 11:37:11Z

25: 川添航平2020-08-13 11:23:11Z

26: モレナウエル2020-08-13 11:18:31Z

27: すーすー2020-08-13 11:51:39Z

28: Chrome Firefox2020-08-13 11:44:57Z
Thumbnail lol

29: LM2020-08-13 11:56:51Z
Eh visto el archivo muy divertido el stream. Sora XD

30: Tirpitz Yamato2020-08-13 11:14:52Z
Thank you Sora . Enjoy watching

31: Theranthrope2020-08-13 11:29:45Z
Who would have thought it...

Sora has crabs.

32: Jonny Whyyoulikethis2020-08-13 10:42:12Z
🦀 + 🔪 = 👍🏽

33: Luca Suirenji2020-08-13 11:30:48Z

34: Raiden2020-08-13 11:12:07Z
The crab fighting game looks pretty fun. What is it called?

35: Diego Casanova2020-08-13 13:13:48Z
Lol good content

36: 宇宙タマカイ2020-08-13 12:13:56Z

37: Fisheye Placebo2020-08-13 10:41:01Z
HatooSora Basic

38: Carlos Elian Velez Celaya2020-08-13 12:32:25Z

・サムネイル画像 高画質

【カニノケンカ-Fight Crab-】カニになれるアクションゲーム発見!【#ときのそら生放送】
